Ibirapitá, proyecto de inclusión digital de jubilados en Uruguay. @Plan_Ceibal

El cerebro no se jubila.

Antonio M. Battro

Academia Nacional de Educación, www.acaedu.edu.ar

Pontificia Academia de Ciencias, www.pas.va

Esta nota se propone exponer el mensaje contundente de la gran bióloga italiana a la luz de Ibirapitá, el nuevo programa de inclusión digital del gobierno del Uruguay que ha comenzado a distribuir tabletas conectadas a Internet a las personas jubiladas con ingresos reducidos. Es decir, los mayores de 65 años contarán con los mismos recursos digitales que ya sus nietos han recibido a partir de los 5 años, gracias al “modelo uno a uno”, una laptop/tablet por niño del Plan Ceibal (www.ceibal.edu.uy). De esta manera se está construyendo en el Uruguay un amplio y generoso puente digital que abraza 60 años de vida. Este programa de inclusión digital inter-generacional, el primero de su tipo en el mundo, merece destacarse y ser imitado.

Pueden leer el documento aquí.


Sustainable education: Uruguay’s @Plan_Ceibal


Sustainable Humanity, Sustainable Nature: Our Responsibility Pontifical Academy of Sciences, Extra Series 41, Vatican City 2014 Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences, Acta 20, Vatican City 2014 www.pas.va/content/dam/accademia/pdf/es41/es41-battro.pd

This meeting on “sustainable humanity and sustainable nature” is a valuable opportunity to introduce and discuss the notion of “sustainable education”.We are willing to understand and improve the interactions between “human capital and natural capital”.Education is part of the human capital of our societies but the notion of “sustainable education” is still under construction and needs special consideration. In particular it is impossible to imagine a sustainable school system that remains independent of the rapidly expanding digital environment of today.Our society has created a new“virtual ecosystem” which is covering the planet and is modifying the life of millions.The good news is that education can play,and is playing in many cases,an increasing and constructive role in this global process towards equity and solidarity in the human family.We are convinced that a sustainable education must be based on evidences and not on ideologies.A sustainable education must be supported by political, economical, social, technological and pedagogical sustainable programs.

Continue reading here or below:


New Book: “Plan Ceibal and Social Inclusion”

This book contains the results of three investigations into the
impact Ceibal has had on social inclusion. “A first assessment of the effects of Plan Ceibal based on panel data”, “Plan Ceibal: community impact and social inclusion” and “Impact of Plan Ceibal in cognitive and language development of school children.”

They were conducted by UDELAR multidisciplinary teams and supported by the  Oriented Research Program on Social Inclusion CSIC and Plan Ceibal. The book can be downloaded from Portal Ceibal.

Uruguay’s OLPC program: Impact and numbers – The Next Web

…As a matter of fact, one of Plan Ceibal’s goals was to provide each school with a wireless Internet connection which the XO devices could use, in addition to installing outdoor connectivity points in public places.

While early studies pointed out difficulties in that respect, a recent consultancy report co-authored by Canadian educational change expert Michael Fullan notes that virtually all schools now have Internet access, with initial connections being progressively replaced by optical fiber.

This new report also touches an interesting point by calculating the financial burden of Plan Ceibal, which is not as high as you may think…

Read the article here.

President of Mexico, Peña Nieto, Visits Plan Ceibal

Captura de pantalla 2013-01-29 a las 13.40.01

Peña Nieto was accompanied by the heads of the ministries of Foreign Affairs, Economy and Education, 
since the main purpose of this visit is to know about the program “Basic Informatics Educative Connectivity for Online Learning” and do it on our country.

The president of Mexico, Enrique Peña Nieto, arrived a few minutes to the international airport in Montevideo, Uruguay, where he made ​​his first official working visit.

It was reported that the Mexican president was greeted by his South American counterpart Jose Mujica and Roberto Conde, Foreign Minister of Internal Uru

guay in a first meeting during which the hymns were sung in both nations and presented the delegations of both rulers.

Note that Peña Nieto was accompanied by the heads of the

ministries of Foreign Affairs SRE, Economy SE ​​and Public Education SEP, since the main purpose of this visit is to know about the program “Educational Computer Connectivity basic Online Learning “and to implement it in our country.

El sexenio

Watch the video: http://youtu.be/2VnokEkq0LI

From his twitter account you can read:
Captura de pantalla 2013-01-29 a las 13.41.57

Photo from President’s Instagram profile


Director-General of UNESCO: Plan Ceibal has transformed the privilege of few into a right for all

© UNESCO/Susana Sam-Vargas -The Director-General of UNESCO Irina Bokova visiting the Escuela Grecia. Presentation of the Ceibal Plan – one laptop per child. Uruguay, September 2012


On 13 September 2012, the Director-General of UNESCO, Irina Bokova kicked off her official visit to Uruguay at the Escuela Grecia in Montevideo. She was accompanied by the Minister of Education and Culture Mr. Ricardo Ehrlich, Vice-Minister of Education and Culture, President of the National Commission of Uruguay for UNESCO Mr. Oscar Gomez da Trinidade, the Ambassador of Uruguay to UNESCO Mr. Omar Mesa and the Director of UNESCO’s Office in Montevideo Mr. Jorge Grandi.

During her visit to the school, she was greeted by enthusiastic primary school students, who proudly spoke about their work using their CEIBALITA laptop computers. Addressing the school authorities and students, the Director-General said that she was honoured to be visiting the GRECIA School and to have the opportunity to learn about the Plan CEIBAL. She underlined that in the 21st century, universal access to knowledge and quality education could be accelerated with the introduction of communication and information technologies in schools.

This project has transformed the privilege of a few into a right for all — placing Uruguay as the first country in the world to cover its entire primary and early secondary education with laptops, connectivity, educational contents and training, and transforming family life for all involved.

Read the full post in UNESCO.ORG