We have been working on a new XO laptop for high school students — one with a larger and more responsive keyboard better suited to the hands of older students. And Uruguay’s Plan Ceibal, expanding into high schools across the country, will be the first recipient — they’ve ordered 90,000 of the first production run.
These XO-1.5 HS machines are largely the same as a regular XO-1.5: they are VIA machines with Sugar and Gnome desktops, running both Sugar activities and Gnome apps. Â Only the bottom half is different: they have ‘clicky’ rather than membrane keyboards by default, and the base has been redesigned so that keyboards are much easier to swap out or clean — there are two screws you can access from the battery compartment that release the keyboard, then you can pop it out. Â No more 10-minute teardowns!

The new machines will be shades of dark and light blue; the factory is still working on getting the plastics and dye selection just right. Â I saw an early stab at this design, and it was very sexy — but I haven’t seen the final keyboard model they are using yet. As a keyboard fanatic (I can get 70wpm on my XO-1), I’ll be keeping my eyes peeled for the first one back in the office and will post a review for you.
Now that we have a half-dozen designs or models, we’ll need to come up with a better naming scheme… I’m taking suggestions for names and themes.
i like to been part of xo
I really need to know the cost of 100 laptops with Uruguayan flag design. It looks pretty amazing!
Really know the cost of the laptop with advanced technology and also have a especial round of applauds for the Uruguayan flag design as it’s really glittering and looking passionate.
Provide Laptops for Disabled Children in India
Greetings, I am writing you on the behalf of the Institute for the Handicapped and Backward People (IFTHABP). It is a non-governmental and a socially responsible organization, working since the year 2001 with a wide variety of voluntary organizations and sister concerns. We are providing education with Special School for hearing Impaired, Mentally challenged, Cerebral Palsy, Visually Impaired and vulnerable children age group 1-18, integrating our students with special needs into mainstream schools and health care to tribal and other rural communities in India. We also provide Community Based Rehabilitation and training centre and workshop at the centre for adult disabled boys, girls and women, to them absolutely free of cost and 99 % of disabled children who have come from the very poorest of poor families in urban and rural areas, (at present 200 disabled people) are getting services from us. Our organization is constantly evolving to fill emerging needs in our community and diversified services include programs assisting vulnerable disabled with girls, low-income families.
Our organisation is a non-governmental, non-profitable & non-political, non-Religious, Philanthropic organization & registered under the Indian five Acts. i.e. (1) Registered under West Bengal Society Registration Act.1861 (2) Recognition under the Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities of Rights and Full Participation) Act-1995. (3) Registration under Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act.1976 i.e. No. 147120819 (4) Affiliated under the National Trust for welfare of the disabled Act., Government of India (5) Registered under Section 80G and 12A of the Income tax Act-1961.
We teach the disabled children and women for computer skills through our institutes and find them jobs through partner organizations to prevent them from also being and contracting unsocial activities.
The general objective of the project is to provide free computer education to low income disabled and poorest students of Kolkata and surround District. More specifically the selected students will be received a free Computer Training of Basic to upon program graduation in computer education under the guidance of experienced Computer Trainers. Institute for the handicapped and backward people (IFTHABP) will operate computer institutes with Internet access with equipment and software donated by corporate donors. Computer-Based Literacy programs will be offered in regional languages.
Target Group:
The direct beneficiaries of the project include low-income disabled and poorest students both girls and boys from Kolkata and Surround District aged between 6-17 years junior badge 17-35 senior badge . The low-income students will be selected by criteria of qualification and merit basis in district of Kolkata city and surround district. A selection mechanism will be implemented to select low-income students from schools with the co-ordination of the principals of schools.
Affronted Problems:
Computer Literacy in India still remains in a very minimum level at present. Also still only 18% or above of the country population has access to the internet. Therefore there is a greater need in India to make opportunities for the disabled peoples/students to receive computer education. However most of the disabled students are not in a position to gain the computer knowledge due to the cost involved in buying computers etc.
Also except for few major schools, most of the schools do not have computer labs in their schools. However a basic computer literacy is compulsory qualification when a person looks for job.
The Project wishes to raise computer knowledge among the low-income disabled poorest socially excluded students in Kolkata and surrounded Districts would be accesses Computer Training and disabled and others students will be highly benefited for future.
It will initially serve 20 children growing to 40. With the Mobile Computer Classroom, we will serve 200 children. It will create excitement among children living in the slums and provide skills for gainful employment.
The only meaningful purpose for human existence is to help those who are in need. There is no greater joy than to devote resources and skills towards uplifting children with disabilities in India.
In this regard, your honor we would request you to kindly look in to the aforesaid matter to sponsors this project and contribute in this Institution as per your might at your earliest possible. At your Laptop donation the said needy disabled-children will be highly benefited and they will fulfill their mission or dreams.
Thanking you,
With best regards,
Dr.M.Hasan Sahani
Founder Director
Institute for the Handicapped & Backward People,
44,Chanditala Branch Road,Behala,Kolkata-700053,
West Bengal,India.Phone:9883305988 / 9836211718
E-mail: ifthab@gmail.com
Website: http://www.ihbp.in (See September because reconstruction site)
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Pingback: Ceibal high-school project update | One Laptop per Child
Truly a path breaking concept and a great innovation