OLPC in El Salvador

Teachers and assistants at the Universidad Evangélica de El Salvador

Teachers and assistants at the Universidad Evangélica de El Salvador

El Salvador, which began a 400 XO pilot last year, has been in the news again this week.  Their vice-minister of education Erlinda Handal gave an interview about their program “Cerrando la Brecha del Conocimiento” (Closing the Knowledge Gap), and mentioned hoping to expand their olpc project to cover all primary students in the country over the next four years.

“Children being able to take the ‘laptop’ home is something new, expected to amplify the process of learning, and this opens greater opportunities, better prospects for success.”

I hope to see more news from El Salvador, or at least more videos like these, in the future.

5 thoughts on “OLPC in El Salvador

  1. Yo soy originalmente de gotera Morazan y creo que esta es una gran oportunidad para conectar a Los nińos y darles mas oportunidades es muy importante que encontremos Los Fondos nesesario para es le peda vrindar esta computadora o todos Los que no la puedan comprar

  2. I wish that you could show us what the kids are doing on these laptops.

    I tried to run the emulator but it wouldn’t connect to the internet to get the activities.

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