XO-3 concept design is here!

Update: thanks for all of the feedback on the design!  There has been some discussion about materials, and a few interesting pieces have passed around the office, but no new eye-candy is forthcoming for a while — we’re busy getting the 1.5 out the door.

The XO-3: it’s designed to be thin, sleek, and touch, while continuing to lower power, cost, and material waste.  We’ve been anticipating the new designs for a while, and now they’ve arrived!  As announced in Tuesday’s  press release, after our upcoming releases of our 1.5 and 1.75 models next year, we are looking at the XO-3, a thin touchscreen tablet, for 2012.  Here are the latest images from the Fuse design team:

xo3 1

xo3 2

xo3 3

xo3 4

xo3 5

xo3 6

xo3 7

xo3 8

xo3 9

xo3 10

162 thoughts on “XO-3 concept design is here!

  1. Pingback: Negroponte offers good advice to India’s $35 computer project - Writing - Don Tapscott

  2. I like XO-2 OLPC concept, because you can close it as book. Closed OLPC book is perfect, because no one can damage your screen!!!!!!! That is very important.

  3. It looks nice, but is it ergonomic? I would kill myself if someone asks me to type some large piece of text using this. Not to mention some (God help!) serious programming, using this thing… It may be useful as a reader, tool for sketching, but definitely not for typing. Touch screens and similar devices fail miserably at this. Nothing can replace a good-quality keyboard! Nothing!
    I hope it may record sound/video as that would definitely help students.

    • Hi Dejan, there has been a lot of work on tablet keyboards over the past year; smoe of them are quite easy to use for those with light fingers, others have good tactile or audio feedback for people more used to slower traditional typing.

  4. What a wonderfully innovative way to approach teaching for children! Hopefully the design will be able to stand up to the wear and tear that’s bound to happen from being in a child’s environment.

  5. A thickness of up to 10mm would be great if it is sturdy.
    If it is thinner but flimsy, then there is no use in a kids environment…

    It will be dropped and the screen will be scratched.. Release it with a “bumper” and a screen protector… To be replaced as needed…
    Maybe a screen cover too.. I have seen broken smaller screens on smartphones

    It would be great with a usb port, power connector, pen and headphones jack (all rubber covered). But all those could be sacrificed for the sake of sealing the tablet from water and dust…

    The thickness can be tuned on later versions…

    Finally they need to get this out now on 2010! Other educational laptops programs are catching up fast…

  6. Wow I have read your article and by the way I found you website on Yahoo and I think after I read particularpost on you website especially this one I have my own opinion about what should I comment on the next hang out with my family, maybe tomorrow I will tell my familyabout this one and get debate.

  7. Pingback: OLPC Amazing Product Design – Laptops for Charity | mash★collective

  8. Wow!!!!!!!!! i was literally dreaming of putting together something like this..now I jus have to wait but 2012 is too far, forget the other stuff this is IT! ..only add the pen and I will personally walk to every village here in Zim to get that to every child!!!!

  9. Pingback: Negroponte offers good advice to India’s $35 computer project | Don Tapscott

  10. Pingback: Welcome: $35 tablet for education | One Laptop per Child

  11. Pingback: sinra's me2DAY

  12. Pingback: La tablet OLPC XO-3 podría incluir Android | Blog de Naobee

  13. Pingback: XO-3 update: OLPC and Marvell partner to design a line of tablets | One Laptop per Child

  14. Pingback: Todos Geek » Blog Archive » La tablet OLPC XO-3 podría incluir Android

  15. Pingback: La tablet OLPC XO-3 podría incluir Android | Bitelia

  16. I am a woman from an Arab country
    From the Sultanate of Oman
    In fact,
    I liked it so much
    Its beautiful, beautiful and specifications
    And I’ll be waiting to buy one for my son, aged 7 years:)
    I wish to be released in this format

  17. Pingback: meme-magazine » 世界を変えるデザイン展


    It is very very important to have at least one USB PORT to plug in a
    REAL keyboard.

    An on-screen keyboard is NOT very useful or practical. CHATTING and
    writing is the most important part of online life / communication….


  19. hi me and me friend when we saw this version of XO laptop we ask our selves how we can bring on of them to make a project that we called


    that we put in it the first xo laptop to the last one XO-3

    so if XO company can help us to bring on of XO-3 laptop

  20. I ecco the sentiments of Pablo P. Schools are looking for a way to cut cost, eliminate hard copy text books. I and many of my friends would purchase, open give one get one agian.

  21. This is all wonderful, but the price points are unrealistic. They simply will not happen by 2012, 2013, or even 2014. What OLPC needs is to adopt a commercial mindset. Non-profits NEED to make money. Sell the laptops in the open market! Make a profit! Use the profits to subsidize educational distribution. Period. I would buy several at a premium to help the movement, and I suspect from the reaction to the original G1G1 — which I happily participated in — that many people will embrace a OLPC v.3 G1G1. Make a powerful device without resorting to excuses like kids don’t need the power or adults are not the intended audience. Power and UI have nothing to do with each other. Make a powerful, innovative device, and sell it at a profit to subsidize the non-profit educational mission.

  22. It’s FINE and GOOD and relates to the discovery that kids, in learning, prefer touch phones to desk based computers ~ it lifts like a piece of paper, or lies flat or at an angle, and “phones” too! The sooner all kids have one in their big pocket the better.

  23. @ Chris Lorensson
    That’s why it’s called a concept. Companies use concepts as a model to work toward. Ever been to an auto show?

  24. It looks very nice but it’s still a concept, will it ever com to life… The Apple I-PAD IS real! (not that i’m a Apple lover (I don’t own any Apple products)). One more thing, Apple pays for it’s own research, will OLPC do the same?

  25. Pingback: Webfooted Weblog » Blog Archive » Tablet computers? YES. Apple’s overpriced DRM-riddled tablet? No thanks!

  26. Brilliant concept looks like Apple I-PAD has been following the XO-3, no doubt the market for this will be greater and have a greater purpose for education with fruitful results overall.

    Should this come alive in all honesty the thirst for education will be greater and more opportunities for content developers and programmers.

    Lets hope, Squeak, Alice and Scratch will be a part of this.

  27. The more things change… looks a lot like the original laptop Radio Shack used to sell – TRS-100 I think, hopefully it’s as rugged. I too doubt the 100 dollar mark.

  28. Pingback: OLPC Amazing Product Design – Laptops for Charity | mash★collective

  29. Pingback: New one laptops per child | Flakes

  30. Pingback: Totally Awesome : XO-3 by One Laptop per Child (OLPC)!!! | itsAnimesh.com

  31. Honestly?

    Are all you people crazy?

    Don’t you think if this specimen could have been built that someone would have done it by now? Apple perhaps? There’s no way this thing is possible – it’s a freaking 3D mockup. I can design a UFO in photoshop in 5 minutes but that doesn’t mean it’s going to be built next year for consumer purchase.

    I honestly have no idea what OLPC is thinking – it seems to me like they just had their guys design the most technologically-provocative piece of hardware so they could get some much-needed press.

    If this thing actually comes out, and works like they’ve made it look in these pictures, I will eat my shorts.

    • mabé – thanks for the offer, but as we don’t use retail channels we aren’t looking for in-country dealers at this time.

      chris – what fabric are your shorts made of?

  32. Pingback: Battle of the Vaporware Tablets

  33. wow…the new XO seems very very cool.

    does anyone know how i can get hold of the current XO for the children at the school in my village here in South Africa?

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