Update: thanks for all of the feedback on the design! There has been some discussion about materials, and a few interesting pieces have passed around the office, but no new eye-candy is forthcoming for a while — we’re busy getting the 1.5 out the door.
The XO-3: it’s designed to be thin, sleek, and touch, while continuing to lower power, cost, and material waste. We’ve been anticipating the new designs for a while, and now they’ve arrived! As announced in Tuesday’s press release, after our upcoming releases of our 1.5 and 1.75 models next year, we are looking at the XO-3, a thin touchscreen tablet, for 2012. Here are the latest images from the Fuse design team:
WOW! I want every kid in the world to have one of these! They should get these to market as quickly as possible. I hope they stick with this design and focus on production. This could change the world in the very best ways.
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Very interesting and cool, but how far along is it really? How does one fit all the necessary components of a computer into such a thin device? It looks paper thin… I’ll definitely keep an eye on this!
Wow, this leaves apple in the dust! I have the “old”‘ G1G1, but now I want to get this one when it comes out. Great idea, great design, I love it!!!
I am a Kenyan University Student taking a Bachelor of Theology Course in Scott Theological College.
I would be more computer informed than I am now if I got my own Computer when I was young – I still do not have One.
The above means that: What you are doing at “One Laptop Per Child” is very Beneficial. You will help many children to be Computer Literate and enjoy the Fruits of Modern technology.
May God Richly reward your Efforts as he already is.
can’t wait until the Wrap Around Your Wrist ones come out…
When the xo3 finally comes out, please contact me. I would be proud to give one get one again. I feel your organization does much to brighten the world and bring education and utility everywhere. Thank you for all you do. My son is a computer engineer, and he is amazed at the quality of the original
I love this – can’t wait to have one in my hands!
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This is the best laptop design concept I have seen in my life.
Completely Agree! This is fantastic. If it’s < $150, I will get one the day they come out. Even < $200, they would be worth it.
That is one beautiful machine.
But it seems totally flimsy… not anywhere durable enough to stand up to the rigors of the life and handling of a a third world child.
How many times can it be dropped on a rock and still continue functioning (screen side down)?
How long does the battery last?
Can the battery be easily replaced each year?
Won’t that cute little loop handle just snap off on the first day?
How long does the touch screen remain sensitive and reliable?
Is the screen scratch resistant?
How long does the flash memory last?
That thing is designed for middle-aged professionals in western economies. Maybe that’s who you should sell it to to raise money for more practically engineered machines for actual third world schools.
This looks great! However, I am concerned about the durability of this device. As thin as it is, I would imagine that it would snap in two (or damage components) if a child plops againts a wall with this in his or her backpack with uneven things inside it along with the XO-3.
Please could somebody explain or help me to get hold of this product for South Africa !!! I have been trying for a year !!!
If this design is to be believed, I do not see how they could produce at $100 per laptop. The hardware components required to assemble a cardboard thin laptop would be extrememly expensive.
And I am assuming it is solar powered, because no one could afford battery power, or access to electric sockets in the Third World. If this thing works, I think its fantastic.
I sooooo very want one of these to experiment with in our library!
Sounds great, looks great BUT how easy will it be to change the battery? What about the heat factor? How hot will this laptop get? I have a tiny Archos video player that gets hot as hell when I’m running it, and the battery is hardwired in and when it fails, AS THEY ALL DO how do you replace a failed battery etc…
Thanking in advance for sending the newsletters to mail box (sulemanshittu@yahoo.com}
The latest version is great ! Wish we could afford this as we give free training to girls in different areas of Pakistan ,through the Girl Guides Association.
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Got your site from a friend and became interested.
Kindly send your newsletters to the above e-mail
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I have tried and failed to make contact with your organisation. I have a sales/distribution model I wish to discuss. Please have someone call me. Many thanks for your help
416 557 4816
I think that the XO3 is ausome I would like to replace my XO that sent back to Amazon.com ,and never got any credit.
let me know when the G1G1 is… I’ll be waiting.
Pingback: Interesting Reading #388 – Cheap batteries from paper, dolphins have rights, the fastest SSDs, neodymium shortage, USB 3.0 and much more… – The Blogs at HowStuffWorks
how can I get one for my child?
Looks good, but I worry about the durability of the key ring, especially the hinge. And 2012 is a long product lead time. Why not foget the 1.5 and 1.75 and get the 3 out by the end of 2010.
Awesome, can they build them soon?
I participated last year in the G1G1
How do I continue to participate?
Science Fiction becomes science fact. What will they think of next!?! Nicholas Negroponte is a leader of amazing vision. I stumbled across his 1984 presentation when he predicted so many of the things we now take for granted.
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How easy is this version to actually use?
We were extremely frustrated by the first version! There were no other devices in our area, so none of the “neighborhood networking” features were usable. The fact that it is Linux based and no real materials came with it meant we couldn’t add programs or even do much on the web with it (many online sites and games would not show or run on the device). Perhaps if one were a Linux programmer it would be possibel to do more, but we don’t even understand how ot access the directory system….
So….how far has the current design come to enable someone who has (quite extensive) knowledge of the Windows environment to actually use the latest XO?
How can I get purchasing information on the new XO-3 model?
The One Laptop per child is good,but children in my state lack the facility,oyo state,Nigeria.Please do something
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This is surely the most sophisticated version of the XO. How is it charged? Does it work with with a pen? As we are introducing the XO in cameroon, is there any hope for us to put this new version in our classrooms? Ist it possible for pedagogic advisers involved in the project to have a copy?
Thanks for OLPC for the wanderful ideas!
I’m not sure that I like this design. It looks really slick, but maybe awkward to use. Look at the image where someone is writing an email (or something) using both hands to type on an onscreen keyboard. It looks like she has the XO-3 layed down flat on a desk. How comfortable can that possible be? Hunched over a completely flat keyboard (not tilted upwards, which is more ergonomic) and looking straight down at a screen (rather than straight ahead). I suppose it would probably be alright for writing a quick email, but do that for long and you’re really gonna hurt your neck and back! Hunching over to use the tiny XO-1 is already an ergonomic nightmare, this XO-3 looks like it takes that to the next level.
But the XO-3 mockup looks like the device is too big to be operated as you would use a smartphone, by holding it in front of your face with both hands and using your two thumbs to operate the keypad.
It looks like to use it you’d always have to be doing what the user is doing in a couple of images, holding the thing up with one hand, or possibly holding it with a hand and additionally balancing it on a forearm, and then operating the interface one-handed.
I have an original XO from when you had the offer of “buy one to donate and get one to use, too”…. a couple of years ago… we are all MAC users – are instructions available? If not, should I, can I, send it back to you? If you can put it to good use, I’d do that, Thanks… p.s. the pictures of the newer, sleeker one looks absolutely wonderful!!!
Pingback: This One Got My Attention…the XO-3 « point a to point b
Outstanding are there keyboard and interface operations in firmware? I hope we see these being built.
New concept looks great. How soon will it be available? I love the chance to buy one for your projects and get one for my local US child projects. I like to do this once a year in December, but if the new one is available sooner and price is lower I’d do more, and sooner.
Wow it is great. This new design is wonderful. Can’t wait to see the XO-3. It is great!
Sent on a phone using T9space.com
I’m kinda glad I have my XO-1!
Questions about the XO-3:
No solar charger? That was one disappointment I had with the XO-1–but anyway, it is chargeable with the still-pretty-ubiquitous car battery. One could even run it off a car battery!
No real typewriter keys? I like something I can feel to type on, even if the keys are teeny-tiny.
No port for the transfer of material? I like being able to use a thumb-drive–as back-up, and as more information storage.
What are the dimensions of the XO-3? It looks pretty big to me. I like the small size of the XO-1–I can stuff it into almost anything.
Yeah–I like my XO-1.
Very cool!
But I do worry that kids might be inclined to playfully stick a finger through the green donut-shaped appendage (wifi/mesh antenna?) and spin the panel around… Or maybe I’m just old enough to have watched a lot of sixgun-spinning westerns in my childhood? Still, it looks fragile and risky.
I did like the two-panel concept for bookish reading/note-taking. But I assume two of these one-panel units could be meshed with software (and/or velcro or duct tape) for a similar experience…
In fact, I suspect the mesh networking could allow some amazing group-creations reminiscent of composite signs held overhead by football audiences, but to much greater educational effect. Picture classrooms (or flashmobs!) creating virtual 10×10 screens! instant feedback for teachers, for better or for worse… Communal sliding-panel puzzles… Combine with internal GPS for projects in which kids become a virtual jigsaw puzzle, each holding a piece and finding their position in the puzzle…
A lot like life…
Best wishes SJ, Walter and co for the new year…
Bob in sw Va.
It appears that there is no front facing camera (it was moved to the back).
That seems helpful for things like augmented reality and normal image capture, but complicates self-image capture and possibility of video collaboration.
Súper segura si la cuestioncita. Dudo que le dure mucho a alguien.. muy fácil de robar.
The past year was such an experience for the OLPCorps Ghana team, since the teams made a tremendous input in the academic performance of the children in our
country. We are hoping this year and the previous years to come will be a success. As a Corp intern, I believe that the XO-3 design will be the tool to address more problems that our continent (Africa) is facing among the children in their studies in the schools and outside the schools.
WOW!!!! I am impressed and excited! This could be something I could use in my shows. Much easier to carry than Nicholas’s lap top. Also I think it may just fit my kid like ways. You should send me one to test it’s durability. I am a bit rough on such things. Also am very good at messing up programs. If it can stand up to me, you definatly have a winner.
My job is outdoors, on and around the sea. Am using the XO-1 with Teapot’s Ubuntu installed for reports, but the XO-1 is “fragile” compared to my mobile phone which is the Sonim XP3 (before getting the Sonim I destroyed 7 mobile phones is 15 months), this mobile phone will work after being 1 meter underwater for a hour. Check out the flap they used to cover the recharge port. The XO-3 would be a much better fit for my needs, as it would be much more “robust” than the XO-1 in my work environment, but, and it is a big but, will it be available to the general public at all? I realise that the OLPC program is in the first place focused on education and the kids, but it is very useful in situations where a normal laptop/netbook just won’t survive.