XO-3 concept design is here!

Update: thanks for all of the feedback on the design!  There has been some discussion about materials, and a few interesting pieces have passed around the office, but no new eye-candy is forthcoming for a while — we’re busy getting the 1.5 out the door.

The XO-3: it’s designed to be thin, sleek, and touch, while continuing to lower power, cost, and material waste.  We’ve been anticipating the new designs for a while, and now they’ve arrived!  As announced in Tuesday’s  press release, after our upcoming releases of our 1.5 and 1.75 models next year, we are looking at the XO-3, a thin touchscreen tablet, for 2012.  Here are the latest images from the Fuse design team:

xo3 1

xo3 2

xo3 3

xo3 4

xo3 5

xo3 6

xo3 7

xo3 8

xo3 9

xo3 10

162 thoughts on “XO-3 concept design is here!

  1. Pingback: It Is Decidely So at Classroots.org

  2. The design of the XO3 seems excellent. I like the fact that they are lowering the power consumption even more. However I hope that folks who bought the original one will continue to be supported. I also hope that they will work on the issues with the original one. Mine does not connect to wifi and it also does not download anything from You tube.
    To be honest, I have not also checked to see if I need to upgrade the operating system.
    The original XO also has problems with the pointing device having a mind of its own after some use and the battery life is also an issue.

  3. Looks like a really cool concept. Our kids really enjoyed the first version, but want one of these now. Is there anything Julie or I can do to help with the execution of the XO-3? Maybe a holographic screen for displaying 3D? We also specialize in all manner of planar microstructures including diffractive optics, brightness enhancement optics, light recycling and flat format imagers (fly’s eye lens). Back when E Ink was starting we built their first test displays, and we have more sophisticated capabilities now. Please give our regards to Nick Negroponte. Bill and Julie Parker SM Vis S ’87,’89

  4. É muito bom ver iniciativaas como esta! Se nossos governos investirem mais atenção neste tipo de educação e inclusão nossa sociedade com certeza poderá ostentar com mais vigor a bandeira de nosso povo!
    Espero que o MEC/FNDE esteja atento às transformações que estão ocorrendo no mundo e motive nossos esducadores à inserir-se no mundo tecnológico e avance a visão de uma educação integradora, atualizada e potencializadora!

  5. Tnx for the new concept design OX-3
    I have seen some gap on the ergonomics aspect of the OX-2. I.e I was not confortable when opening and closing OX specially at the interfacing point of the top and bottom part. But now i think this concept fulfill the requirment

  6. WoW…. The XO 3 seems to be an amazing machine. Its cool and wonderful.Can’t wait to get one. its going to be biggggggggggggg hittttttttttttttt when its lanuched. I can’t wait to lay my hands on it. What are the dates????

  7. Love this design, when is this item going to be for sale, and i am sure that you mean well and that this is a good project, but have you ever thought of the children in the usa that don’t have laptops and how this could intrest and advance them?It would be nice to have this kind of thing for the children that can not afford them here.Thanks V bowers

  8. Pingback: Conecuh Software — OLPC – XO-3 concept design is cool

  9. Nice concept art, but it seems to lack the practical design that the current XO-1 has. Somehow, I can’t envision field repars being easy – doubly so if there are no ports (USB, RJ-45, serial, etc.), no “cheat keys” to hold down, and no local tech guru to help out.

    Detractors aside, it’s good to see that OLPC isn’t dead – it’s years ahead of its time. If imitation is the highest form of compliment, then Asus and Apple will continue to kowtow (read: steal) for years to come (and they’ll still fall short of matching the XO).

  10. where do i buy mine. I love this design it almost looks unreal. we are so use to having the bulky designs. you don’t even see designs like this on the commercial market.

  11. I am interested in how to acquire one XO-3 myself to have a close look at this machine.

    Please tell me how?

    Happy New Year to you, Diallo Iam.

  12. Pingback: O chestie faină . « B 612

  13. sj: This is a tremendous design concept. How close to an actual product is it, and how fluid is the likely pricing (we’ve seen promises of $100 laptops before, remember). Surely inductive charging would imply an infrastructure whose presence the intended user base cannot rely on (or at least a separate charging unit that might have the same weaknesses that you are trying to design out of the XO-3)? What steps are you taking to ensure that the machine’s widespread availability will not be compromised by that requirement? Good luck with the project.

  14. Fabuloza si y hacemos maravilla con las 1.0 que dira con la 3.0 aqui en uruguay siempre olpc es visionaria pudiendo llevarnos de lo mejor para nuestros niños.
    Rivera uruguay

  15. What a wonderful concept. We could use something like that down here in Central America for rural physicians? Paper medical records don’t stand a chance in this climate.

    What do you say? One Laptop per Physician???

  16. Pingback: One Laptop Per Child — Adiaha

  17. It seems risky to go with a form factor that has yet to prove itself as practical in the 1st World, to me. I think you guys should have just reinforced the keyboard, added a touchscreen and drop the price of the original XO since that form factor is practical and realistic. I feel like OLPC has a habit of coming up with semi-hair-brained ideas and thinking it doesn’t harm their reputation. After doing G1G1 myself, and paying twice the originally promised $100, I know OLPC is capable of impressive work, but there were still enough design and admin mistakes that make me worry that a hardware design even more ambitious than the first maybe be a bad sign. I hope I am wrong, of course. From day one I’ve been a fan of OLPC and your mission.

  18. Very excited about this new model. Will we be able to participate in a new OLPC purchase program for overseas as we did with the first generation computer models?

    One other question: how robust is the screen, and has it been tested for repeated dropping or weight tolerance (someone stepping on it)? Just wondering.

  19. it great to know xo-3 to help people in education in sudan we are planing to give children on laptop so plz give us all the information

  20. Looks very cool. How is the screen protected? I would think that having it constantly exposed would lead to a lot of breakage, and i don’t see a protective cover that can swing in to place.

  21. Looks fragile. I realize that it is supposed to be flexible, but it still looks like it would be easy to break. Cool if you can pull it off, especially for <$100. Oh, and screen-based keyboards suck. At least stick a bluetooth module in there.

  22. It doesn’t look robust, isn’t it too thin to put in children hands? Does it have usb or SD card ports? Will there be a wiki page about it soon?

  23. Bravo, what a fabulous design. I can’t wait to g1g1

    Happy New Year to you all and may 2010 be a more peaceful year for all.

  24. I just donated my OLPC XO to a school in Boston. It was purchased during the brief buy 2, get 1 program. I loved it, but outgrew its functionality.

    Will there be another buy 2, get 1 opportunity?

  25. Do NOT forget that the battery MUST be replaceable!

    And maybe WiFi performance could bumped up by external antennas, that just would work as repeaters? They could even be powered by induction to eliminate additional ports!

    If it would be upgradeable (unlikely due to it’s design), I’d sign up for buying one NOW! I might get one anyway – you can still use it as an SSH client using X, and then you got both power and flexibility!

  26. i am wondering – is the keyboard lettering any larger or more widely spaced. my grandson has an original and as his hands grow, the fingering on small space is becoming more difficult

    I wish OLPC continued success in 2010 especially with the introduction of the
    XO-3 to positively influence education, peace and prosperity in the developing world.

  28. Please let me know where the power for this new xo unit comes from,its so ultra thin that I can hardly believe it works.

    How much is it ? Is it available on the buy one—-get one plan, in Canada?

  29. Pingback: New Year’s newsletter : 2009 in review | One Laptop per Child

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  31. I love the basic concept. What’s still missing…

    Display? This should ideally be something like QualComm’s Mirasol… color, fast, but only using power to change state, and better in sunlight, like an eBook.

    Ports… ok, it’s all wireless I guess. That can be occasionally a good idea… certainly you can push audio via Bluetooth and leave the amplification problem (and thus, the significant bit of power) to the playing device. Even with issues, ok, it’s sealed, which is good.

    How about charging, though. Do you really think induction will be efficient enough, versus a direct flexible voltage DC plug, to offset the usual efficiency losses inherent in induction charging (DC->AC->DC, if nothing else)? Hopefully you all did the math, rather than just leaving that out to look futuristic and all.

    Camera.. is that the tiny dot below the “plus”? Looks smaller than a typical cellphone camera. Not a big deal, but with all that back-of-the-unit room, I’d love to see something better.

  32. Sashi, Kat, Tsuyoshi: thank you! Please spread the news, we welcome all comments and suggestions.

    Patricia: I look forward to hearing the latest from your work in Paraguay. Will you have started the national roll-out next year?

    Peeter: Thanks for your comment, there have been a few suggestions for a pen.

    Quinn: we’re currently looking at possibilities for charging via induction, trying to keep the number of ports or holes in the system down to zero if possible – that makes a much higher degree of dust and water proofing possible. The question is how robust the wireless interface and charging solutions can become by then.

  33. The XO 3 seems to be ultra cool, so if it would have a pen for making quick notes, todo list by hand- it would find place in my daily work. I need something to replace my paper notebook- laptops will not do.

  34. The XO 3 seems to be an amazing machine . The price point also is very competitive at sub 100 dollars levels. In case the XO reaches India or the subcontinent in 2010 it will be a lethal instrument to attack any competition from China , Taiwan or any other locations . OLPC should look at introducing this model in 2010 March itself incase it has to stay ahead of other players . The early intoduction will enable a clear drift of strategy from military laptops to more sophisticated piece in emerging countries like India and China where Government and people are very concious on price , quality and value proposition ie content and collaboration through connectivity . Working as a volunteer has indeed given me a complete reflection of the market which is going through a metaphorsis in a very high speed. The lesson is lets pitch in new model faster for the survival of OLPC in India and China .

  35. Where does the power come in? The other designs had solar panels and a crank if I recall. I can’t see anything like that on this?


  36. Greattt! we are now working on the one laptop per child project in Paraguay! hope that in 2012 when this design is lounched we can also have it for our children! visit:

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