2010 OLPCorps opportunities available

We’re incredibly excited to announce the 2010 OLPCorps program.  This year, university students and young adults will have opportunities to support OLPC deployments in one of five regions: Haiti, Mali, Cameroun, Afghanistan, and the Palestinian Occupied Territories.

Installing solar panels

Installing solar panels in Kenya with OLPCorps

We saw the passion and skills of university students in our 2009 Corps program, and restructured it to extend the program and focus on a smaller number of countries.  This will allow applicants to make a bigger contribution to our mission of creating educational opportunities for the world’s poorest children.

OLPCorps applicants must now commit to a full year, and applications are open to college students and young adults over the age of 18. We’re looking for passionate people who can work independently in challenging environments. Participants will engage in capacity building projects ranging from technical infrastructure support and local software design to advocacy, classroom assistance, administration, and strategy design.  Successful applicants will receive a stipend.   You can apply for the Corps online now.

For students looking for opportunities in established OLPC deployments or for shorter periods of time, applications for this year’s Internship Program are also available.

11 thoughts on “2010 OLPCorps opportunities available

  1. wel, i really need this laptop- nd i will be greatful if u can sendb it to me.here is my details.address.5 branco street mafoluku,oshodi,lagos nigeria.
    phone 08088458044

  2. January 28,2010
    Dear Sir/Madam;
    A pleasant day !
    I was encouraged to register in your website for the sake of my ward, Lara Serene Micaela , our family’s adopted daughter who is now in first grade so as to avail (if she is qualified) of a laptop for her. There are only I think two computers in their school as of the present that her knowledge in computers is very minimal. She complains that she even has no chance of ever being with the computer in their school because the limited time of 30 minutes for computer time (once a week only ) does not give her any opportunity to use it as they( her classmates) are squeezed in one computer within that limited time.

  3. Hello Laptop.org,
    We have a music program for the children all over the World for your program that will teach them also how to play music via a mouse on their screens. Education is a must but also music for they go hand in hand and help to develop the child. I can commit to helping the children but I cannot commit to a longterm stay in any country for I help children here in the United States now. I can however travel to and from for short stays and to educate the locals on how to use the software program and work with the children also. I needs are very small and I would like to get involved in helping you some how. This new program works so well that even a blind child can play music, that’s right a blind child for its a soft touch program and its so cheap its scary. The software works and works well for music does not have a face or race it has notes and can be played by anybody. Please take my e-mail serious for I can show you just how this program works. Sincerely, Shelby Hansen USA

    • @Arky, there should be no “who” in that URL:

      @Teresita, thank you for your interest. In what country is your ward studying? It’s unlikely we can do anything directly to help her school unless it joins an existing OLPC program, but there may be one in her region.

      @Shelby, have you tried your music program on an XO laptop / on Linux? Have you considered making it a sugar activity? Please see our contributors program for more information on sharing your software with XO users.

  4. Pingback: Newsletter for January 25 | One Laptop per Child

  5. Pingback: OLPC for Haiti | One Laptop per Child

  6. Siddi, students from anywhere in the world can take part in the Internship program. Simply follow the link to the application and fill it out.

  7. Pingback: 2010 Internships open in Rwanda, Paraguay, Peru, Nicaragua | One Laptop per Child

  8. Dear Sir/Mam

    I am Siddi Jai Prakash pursuing Electronics and Communication Engineering from Netaji Subhas Institute of Technology, New Delhi, India.
    I wanted to know if India Students can take part in the 2010 Internship Opportunities, OLPC.

    I am one of the people who love the why of things. I have always had an inclination towards technical and research work, and have a predilection for doing projects in various disciplines. I am really passionate about electronics and looking forward to continue with higher studies to carry on with research. My main areas of research interest are:
    Microcontrollers Applications and interfacing with Software
    PC and Mobile Applications

    Looking forward for a reply from you soon

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