Hello, world!
OLPC is lucky to have an active independent news community. Since we started posting regular updates in our weekly Community News digest, there has been active interest among other blogs since I joined OLPC in late 2006. Likewise we have had community forums on olpcnews and elsewhere before forums.laptop.org were up and running.
The need for a public voice for OLPC has always been there — a place to announce changes and updates, break interesting news with certainty rather than rumor, and give OLPC staff and core volunteers who don’t blog themselves a place to share what they know. So, with many changes and updates coming in the last months of 2008, we are finally setting up an official project blog.
My goal is for this to complement and support the great work on local and chapter blogs sharing olpc news in other languages. If you have a story you want to share about OLPC, you may want to submit it to one of the community blogs in our blogroll. If you have a story you want our project teams to write or elaborate on, or a new site to add to our blogroll, suggest it here. I will gather all of the suggestions in a story ideas page, and we will work through them as soon as we can.
Yours in blogging, SJ