OLPC concentrating on its core values: education

OLPC’s mission to empower the world’s children through education is far from over. OLPC is thriving and making more inroads at bringing education to those who can’t easily access it. OLPC recently formed a strategic alliance with the Zamora Teran family through many of their enterprises and their philanthropic foundation, the “Fundación Zamora Teran to deliver XO laptops not only to Central and South America, but also to Africa.

Aside from distributing more laptops in several schools in Costa Rica, Uruguay is receiving its first 50k units of the XO-4 Touch (running Android) in a few weeks’ time. In addition, the XO Tablet is currently available directly through governments and NGOs, as well as in Europe and Canada and through all major retail outlets in the United States including Walmart, Amazon, Toys ‘R Us among the others.

OLPC also has outsourced many of the software and development units because the organization is becoming more hardware and OS agnostic, concentrating on its core values – education. As an example, we’ve partnered with the Smithsonian Museum to bring feature-rich, interactive and more targeted content to our young learners.

We have more exciting things planned in the horizon including the implementation of very large scale projects in several regions of the world, so be sure to stay tuned.


Miami, FL – March 4, 2014 – Righteous Pictures, a film and new media production company founded by Miaminative, Michael Pertnoy, will be bringing its documentary, WEB, to Miami International Film Festival, presented and produced by Miami Dade College, this March.  The film, which has been described as “engaging, informative and provocative*,” follows Peruvian families living in remote villages in the Amazon Jungle and Andes Mountains as their children experience the One Laptop per Child (OLPC) program, gaining access to the Internet for the first time. 

  “From the beginning, we wanted to make a film that explores both the positive impact and negative consequences that may arise from the spread of technology to the furthest corners of the globe,” said WEB Producer Michael Pertnoy. “The OLPC program became the lens through which we were able to tell this story in real-time as it unfolded on the ground.”

  One Laptop Per Child, the world-renowned project to provide a modern education to children through a connected computing device, launched the project in Peru in 2007. The program, which is run by the Ministry of Education, has deployed around 900,000 XO laptops in Spanish and local indigenous languages.

“OLPC project in Peru was able to connect communities from the Amazonian to the Jungle regions,” said Rodrigo Arboleda, its CEO. “Empowering them with connected solar powered devices in their native languages, both kids and adults are exposed to learning that otherwise would not have happened.”

The film plays on Saturday, March 8th at 4pm at the Regal Theater on Alton Road in South Beach and again the following Saturday, March 15th at 1:45pm at the Paragon Theater in Coconut Grove.  Tickets can be purchased directly from the Miami International Film Festival website.

Web The Film: As children in some of the most remote parts of the world connect to the Internet for the first time, Web considers both the benefits and complications that arise from digital connections. Alongside the poignant and sometimes humorous local stories, the film includes interviews with leading thinkers on the Internet including Foursquare Founder Dennis Crowley, Wikipedia’s Jimmy Wales and OLPC founder Nicholas Negroponte for an insightful look at our times.

Righteous Pictures is a film and new media production company that produces social issue films and public engagement campaigns to serve as platforms for dialogue and catalysts for change around the most critical issues of our time. We are dedicated to producing and disseminating content across media platforms to inspire, inform, entertain, and ultimately change the way the viewer sees the world. 

One Laptop per Child (OLPC at http://www.laptop.org) is a non-profit organization whose mission is to provide every child in the world access to new channels of learning, sharing and self-expression. In partnership with the public and private sectors and non- governmental organizations and supported by comprehensive implementation and pedagogical services, OLPC seeks to provide each child with a rugged, low-cost, low-power connected device that empowers individual learning and growth.

*Haute Lifestyle:  http://bit.ly/1fQKU4F

Amazon Smile Program – XO Tablet – UPDATE

XO Tablet kidDear Friends,

One Laptop Per Child – OLPC – continues to be a world leader in the development of innovative educational technologies. OLPC, founded in 2005, was created to design, manufacture and distribute educational devices to children around the world. In a few short years, OLPC made this vision a reality. To date, OLPC has distributed more than 2.8 million educational devices to children around the world.

Given the increased attention on the use of technology in education in the United States and abroad, OLPC has continued to act as a leader in the development of cutting edge educational technologies for children. This fall, OLPC announced an exciting and innovative device for use by children in and out of the classroom, the XO Tablet.

Children all have dreams about what they want to be when they grow up. These dreams inspire children to learn about the world. The XO Tablet encourages children to explore their dreams, as it comes with more than 200 educational Android applications and 200 books specially selected by the team at OLPC. Each dream on the XO Tablet has been selected to foster skills in areas such as math, science, language arts, music, programming and art.

In addition, as you complet e your holiday shopping on Amazon.com, please support OLPC through the Amazon Smile program. For every purchase made on Amazon.com, Amazon donates a portion of your purchases to support the OLPC project. Please visithttps://smile.amazon.com/ to start shopping now.

The OLPC Team


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Shop at smile.amazon.com between now and December 31, 2013, and Amazon will donate an extra $5 to the charity of your choice. This is in addition to the regular donation of 0.5% of the purchase price. Up to $1,000,000 extra will be donated to eligible charities as a result of this promotion. Restrictions apply

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Learning how to learn: Rodrigo Arboleda at TEDxMiami 2013

Rodrigo Arboleda is currently Chairman and CEO f One Laptop per Child Association (OLPC). OLPC has delivered more than 2 million laptops to children in more than 35 countries and 21 languages worldwide.

In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations)