Amazon Smile Program – XO Tablet – UPDATE

XO Tablet kidDear Friends,

One Laptop Per Child – OLPC – continues to be a world leader in the development of innovative educational technologies. OLPC, founded in 2005, was created to design, manufacture and distribute educational devices to children around the world. In a few short years, OLPC made this vision a reality. To date, OLPC has distributed more than 2.8 million educational devices to children around the world.

Given the increased attention on the use of technology in education in the United States and abroad, OLPC has continued to act as a leader in the development of cutting edge educational technologies for children. This fall, OLPC announced an exciting and innovative device for use by children in and out of the classroom, the XO Tablet.

Children all have dreams about what they want to be when they grow up. These dreams inspire children to learn about the world. The XO Tablet encourages children to explore their dreams, as it comes with more than 200 educational Android applications and 200 books specially selected by the team at OLPC. Each dream on the XO Tablet has been selected to foster skills in areas such as math, science, language arts, music, programming and art.

In addition, as you complet e your holiday shopping on, please support OLPC through the Amazon Smile program. For every purchase made on, Amazon donates a portion of your purchases to support the OLPC project. Please visit to start shopping now.

The OLPC Team


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Shop at between now and December 31, 2013, and Amazon will donate an extra $5 to the charity of your choice. This is in addition to the regular donation of 0.5% of the purchase price. Up to $1,000,000 extra will be donated to eligible charities as a result of this promotion. Restrictions apply

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3 thoughts on “Amazon Smile Program – XO Tablet – UPDATE

  1. As an American business owner from Nigeria who just discovered one laptop per child. I’m really proud to see Amazon supporting the program. My business is an Amazon affiliate and today I’m proud that OLPC is among their many charitable efforts. We will be making a donation to through the main webpage but I look forward to taking action and helping out with the program in Nigeria and other third world countries with Children that need the help. i was fortunate my father worked for a global company and he introduced me to computers at a very young age, it will be great for other children to have access to laptops.

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