OLPC’s work in Uruguay draws attention in the US

Yesterday in Costa Rica, Secretary Clinton gave a moving speech about the necessity of bridging socio-economic gaps across the Americas at the Pathways to Prosperity Ministerial.

She started off by commending Chile’s immediate response to the Haitian earthquake which indicated the increasing strength and cooperation of the region. She goes on to praise region efforts at economic growth including our very own OLPC initiative in Uruguay:

And like you, I have followed the progress that Uruguay and Panama have made towards spreading the benefits of the digital age through initiatives that distribute laptops to children. I was just in Uruguay, meeting with the out-going president and now-president Mujica, and their “one laptop per child” program has given a great boost to learning and access to the wider world.

She says that programs like this “can be a model for the rest of us.” Thanks for the support, Hillary!

US Secretary of State Clinton at the Third Ministerial Meeting in Costa Rica

In her speech, she also highlights six goals of Pathways to Prosperity that the US will focus on helping:
1. The creation of “small business development centers where people can go to get information and advice about starting a business.”
2. Support for “women entrepreneurs across the hemisphere.”
3. Modernization of customs procedures.
4. Better communication through the spread of English in Latin America and Spanish in the US.
5. Green the operations of small to medium-sized businesses.
6. Modernize lending laws and regulations.

6 thoughts on “OLPC’s work in Uruguay draws attention in the US

  1. Pingback: Links 6/3/2010: Android to Return to Linux, Server/Desktop Success | Boycott Novell

  2. Mrs. Clinton
    I really need your help with a student Loan that has gotten way out of control.
    I know you are on of the best woman in the world and make things happen.

    I really would like 5 minutes of your time. I live in Texas. I received a student Loan 22 years ago and have repayed alot more than I borrowed. No one will talk to me. They are garnishing my wages, Im a single parent and I do not feel what is going on is right. I borrowed 4000 dollard the DCS said I payed back 6099 plus all the payments of 125m and they have been garnishing my wages since November. It has but me in a very bad finacial bind. The school I went to International Aviation and Travel Academy could not place me as a Travel Agent which is why I went there graduation at the top of my class. The school has been shut down and I know they have refunded some students money. My question is why Im having to pay all this money know they want 10,000 dollars. I just not right I have tried to settle that amount was going to 6000 I dont have it, I have moved in with my brother just so I can raise my 3 year old. Please help or at least give me some answers. Thank you in Advance Laurie Corbin -Taylor
    . spoke with a lady at the United States Department of Education and she siad something looked wrong, I only owed 70 dollars before they sold it to a diffent lender. Thanks

  3. Thank you for the support Hillary.You’re the smartest woman in the world and a beautiful woman.If you ever get to be single, give me a call!

  4. Hillary gets it; she’s the most accomplished politician of our times and a down to earth woman! If she says so, then she’ll do anything to improve people’s lives.Way to go Hillary!

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