Dailymotion ad contest : see your work on network television!

Dailymotion and OLPC are launching a contest for the best commercial spot for OLPC and G1G1.  The winning ad will be aired on national television during the last two weeks of the year.

Take a look at their website and blog, and our current assets available for remixing at media.laptop.org, and take your best shot!

2 thoughts on “Dailymotion ad contest : see your work on network television!

  1. Some of the raw submissions to date have been qiute interesting — both the raw footage from countries and the polished shorts from TAXI. I haven’t yet seen raw footage from people crafting their own OLPC messages, save those that went into UI mockups and simulations.

    I wonder what kind of media people made for Planet 9 back in the day. and I’m most interested to see parodies and stickfigure games arise…

  2. Pingback: Dailymotion update | One Laptop per Child

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