Give a laptop, change the world : 2008 edition

One Laptop per Child is launching its second Give One/Get One (G1G1) program on November 17, 2008.  Last year’s program supported the production of over 150,000 XOs.  This year the delivery of the laptops in the USA will be handled through

The laptops will run the latest release of Sugar on a Linux-based Fedora Core operating system. (It will not dual-boot Windows and Linux, contrary to some reports.) For answers to frequently asked questions, and for other XO giving programs, see XO giving and the G1G1 FAQ.  And for a bit of nostalgia, here is my favorite image from last year’s G1G1 program:

My Other Laptop Is In Rwanda

Thank-you videos and more below the fold,


This year’s Give One/Get One campaign will begin in November and will become an on-going program. Amazon will distribute the “get” laptops and are providing their services at cost. You can see the developing OLPC storefront at . The program details will be similar to those from last year:

$199 to give a laptop to a child in the developing world.
$399 to give a laptop to a child in the developing world and get a laptop.

The tagline for the campaign is “Give a Laptop. Get a Laptop. Change the World.” We are focusing on sharing images and experiences from members of gen-XO, particularly from OLPC’s largest deployments.
Media and other material to help spread the word are available from our community media page and our Flickr stream.

This time last year, we did not yet know how our young project would fare under the demands and needs of large deployments. Today there are hundreds of thousands of children using their XOs every day, including over a quarter of all young students in Uruguay.  Roughly twenty thousand students from Uruguay alone visit our wiki each week.  Meanwhile, Peru is distributing XOs to over 10,000 schools.

Help spread the word

We will be making a big splash on Nov 17 with PR and advertising to run in donated media across all media platforms: TV, Cinema, Radio, Print, Out of Home and online, and advertising will run through Dec 26, for the holiday giving season.

We want to supplement that with personal outreach over local community and social benefit groups interested in changing education and addressing the root causes of poverty around the world. Help us identify groups to contact.  G1G1 is an opportunity for us to forge new alliances and seed new educational initiatives, at home and abroad.

Deployment in Rwanda

We are setting up a separate mailing list for people who want to be reminded when it launches, and you’ll find other G1G1 updates online.  Finally, you can join our community mailing list,, to discuss new ideas for outreach around the world; that is where many local trial projects have gotten started.

22 thoughts on “Give a laptop, change the world : 2008 edition

  1. My company would like to set this project for the children of my country
    what is the rocedure to obtaines computers and distribute it in school in Congo Brazzaville

  2. i wish if i hade on of your loptop call give a laptop change the world i realy want it could u give the laptop to me cause i really want to chek how dose that feels on seeing and playng thanks love jesmary
    🙂 🙁 🙂 <3

  3. Pingback: Happy New Year! Reflecting on OLPC in 2011 | One Laptop per Child

  4. Hello,

    is a very good project to give a Laptop to each child.

    I wish to participate to the action Got one,Give one when you will organise a next action??
    I wish to participate to help a child in a poor country but also give the one that I wish take, to give it to autistic child’s: They need also robust PC to write with the “facilitated communication” method.

    Thanks if you can give me more informations who to do to participate and to have one PC like yours!!

  5. Indonesia is certainly on our list of countries we hope will get laptops soon!
    You can give 100 or give 1000 laptops to a school in Indonesia through the Give Many program.

  6. It is refreshing to know that many of us today are sensitive with the needs of others. And huge companies are supporting this great project in making this happen. I believe that this concern would have a great impact to the increase of the quality of education especially children coming from developing countries. Many still doesn’t know the existence of computers and their uses in essence.However, it is never too late to change this situation. I’m only thankful that there are still many among us who set aside their own needs to accommodate the needs of our less fortunate brothers and sisters. To all the people involved in this great project I salute you all.

  7. Indonesia is certainly on our list of countries we hope will get laptops soon!
    You can give 100 or give 1000 laptops to a school in Indonesia through the Give Many program.

  8. Pingback: L’ordinador XO funcionarà en català |

  9. Pingback: OLPC Give One/Get One program starts today

  10. Pingback: One Laptop per Child Laptop Guide book now available | just write click

  11. Pingback:

  12. Pingback: G1G1 goes international | One Laptop per Child

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