Thank you, ALGOSEC!
Quality education is needed so that there is a future!
Thanks to the joined efforts between ALGOSEC, One Laptop per Child and Zamora Terán Foundation, 21 students from the School Virgen de Suyapa, in Honduras, will begin their way to the future and will transform the way they learn through innovative pedagogical practices, using methodologies that will allow to strengthen their skills and encourage their values as citizens, so that they contribute and transform their communities.
Currently the population in this educational center goes around 1,208 students, from highly vulnerable areas; The educational center provides food and scholarships to their students to be able to support the community, since parents do not have sufficient resources to meet basic needs.
Actualmente la población en este centro educativo es de 1,208 estudiantes, los cuales provienen de zonas altamente vulnerables; el centro educativo provee alimentos y becan a estudiantes para poder apoyar a la comunidad, ya que los padres no cuentan con los recursos suficientes para satisfacer necesidades básicas.
Virtual education; Connect – Learn Program
This virtual distance education program seeks a successful transition from face-to-face to virtuality, by helping teachers to effectively. integrate discipline, pedagogy and technology. Virtual distance education is conceived as the key that will speed up the learning process of these children.
The Conecta-Aprende (Connect-Learn) program conceives the teacher, as the key factor to ensure quality education through a new learning core: School – Students – Families
This program is developed and articulated to achieve a feedback cycle with teachers, through 3 phases:
1- Transition
2- Focus
3- Virtual School.
Developed through different training modalities: Express workshops, scheduled short courses, complementary educational resources and permanent pedagogical accompaniment.
Today more than ever, we are focused on the future!
The commitment to quality education does not know borders and we know that common efforts, will allow the construction of the future of Honduras.