Thousands of web sites across the Internet are shutting down today to protest proposed U.S. laws (SOPA and PIPA) that would make it difficult for websites to host community-generated content on the Internet.
Please take a moment to learn more about the bills and why they would be harmful to the open Web, to open education, and to present and future collaborative projects.
The Electronic Frontier Foundation and other non-profit organizations dedicated to preserving freedom on the Web have ways that you can make your voice heard in the national and international debate about these proposed laws.
We have WON over SOPA and PIPA! It feels so nice.
But now everyone, don’t forget the new threat to the internet: the bigger and even more extreme ACTA. it’s completely international, so everyone is concerned. We are winning against it, but we need your help! Everyone get together and protest, sign petitions, da all you can to save freedom of speech!