New Assessment Report on M&E Literature

OLPC learns and grows from every distribution, small or large, and actively seeks out feedback, documentation and analysis. OLPC partners and communities are critical contributors in this feedback loop and likewise are usually interested in how monitoring and evaluation studies from different countries can offer insight into successes and challenges of one laptop per child programs. The learning team decided to compile an assessment report of the existing m&e literature to compare different projects, generate discussion, and gain inspiration. Check it out!

If you have your own overview of an OLPC project not featured please consider sharing for future updates to our assessment report!

5 thoughts on “New Assessment Report on M&E Literature

  1. This report does not reference Samoa anywhere that I can find. Do you have a specific example? Could you possibly mean the Solomon Islands? That report is included, it is part of the ACER review on the Solomon Islands.

  2. We do not know how fortunate we are and our children. How often have we heard that phrase, but it seems to have a liitle effect on most people. i’m not saying that lightly. I relize there are many, many people and organizations that contribute. These are very unselfish individuales, who share their time, energy and money to help others. When we can not provide for our children, and they lack skills to survive in our world, it hurts parents deeply. Think about the last time your child failed at something and how bad you felt. These countries that are behind in infrastructure, lack of learning facilties, do need our help. See the smiles on their faces and the faces of their parent when they receive the laptops that will help them excell. The parents will then know that their child will have a chance at being a productive adult.

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