We’re participating in America’s Giving Challenge, a virtual contest that rewards nonprofits who get the greatest number of people to donate to their Facebook Cause. They’re giving away $1,000 to the nonprofit who gets the most donations in a 24-hour period or a $50,000 donation to the nonprofit who get the most donations overall by November 6.
We want to win the daily challenge (and $1,000 to create more life-changing volunteer projects)! Past winners have only had a few hundred donors, so with our many volunteers and supporters, we know you can help us beat that.
Please visit our Cause and make a donation of any amount between 3:00 p.m. on Thursday, October 29, until Friday at 3:00 p.m. Remember, this contest is not about the amount of money we raise, but the number of people who donate. Tell your friends and help us win!