More media coverage on Ometepe

OLPC Nicaragua’s recent deployment to the island of Ometepe has made waves in the Latin American press.  Some of the better recent articles:

La Prensa

Prensa Libre

Other media

Univision: Isla de Ometepe, en el Lago de Nicaragua, apuesta por turismo ecológico,
El Nuevo Diario: Ometepe, paraíso del aprendizaje
El economista (ES): Programa educativo ayuda a niños nicaragüenses a conectarse a internet
La informacion: Dan 5.000 computadoras a escolares en Isla de Ometepe de Nicaragua
Nicaragua Dispatch: Ometepe enters digital era
Wall Street Journal: Zamora Teran and OLPC connect the children of Ometepe to the world

1 thought on “More media coverage on Ometepe

  1. Pingback: Ometepe, Nicaragua: una Mágica Isla Digital | One Laptop per Child

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