This semester, the Knight Foundation and One Laptop Per Child are launching a digital literacy effort at Liberty City’s Holmes Elementary School. Video from the school is up on Vimeo. And here is the joint press release:
Every student will receive their own XO laptop today, in an effort to level the digital playing field for more than 525 kids at the school. The XOs will be provided by OLPC, with $245K in support from the Knight Foundation.  Community advocates will present the laptops at 9:30 a.m. today.
“Access to the Internet and digital skills are vital for success in today’s connected world,” said Jorge Martinez, who leads Knight Foundation’s Universal Access Initiative. “We hope the laptops help these eager young minds at Holmes Elementary to become digital natives who are more informed and engaged in their classrooms and their community.”
OLPC will provide in-house training at the school for parents, teachers and students on how to use the computers to advance students’ learning. The laptops have tools that let students and teachers to work more closely together. Students can follow their teacher’s work on their laptop, or work collaboratively on projects. OLPC is also assisting in creating a localized curriculum to help kids meet their academic benchmarks.
“We are pleased to be working with Knight Foundation and the Miami-Dade County public schools on this new OLPC education initiative in the U.S.,” said Rodrigo Arboleda, chairman and CEO of the OLPC Association. Â “We believe that partnering with foundations, the private sector and the public sector is an excellent model that can be replicated across the country.”
Holmes Elementary School, which serves the majority of Liberty City residents, is at risk of closing at the end of the year if its state test scores do not improve. In an effort to boost performance, a variety of tools and resources are being used to enhance teaching and learning, including the laptops and training program.
“With this project, every child will carry learning in the palm of their hands and we will be one step closer to leveling the educational playing field in Miami,” said Atunya Walker, Holmes Elementary School’s principal. Holmes Elementary has been selected because it is already working with Knight-funded Teach For America to change student performance. Knight provided funding to triple the amount of Teach for America teachers in Miami-Dade – bringing the number to 350 – in a group of inner city schools that includes Holmes.
See the video about this project.
There are natural assessments built into the program, with a fairly short timeframe, thanks to existing conditions at the school and their risk of closure. And I am honored by the involvement of the Knight Foundation, which has been thinking about issues of access to tools and information in the US for a long time.

CENTRE FOR CHILDREN AND DEVELOPMENT INITIATIVE (CCADI), is a Non-profit organization established since 2005.
Our aim is to enhance the lives of Children and expand opportunities for them especially through Health, Development, Education,etc, which is the key to ending literacy and poverty. Subsequently, over 100 million children are out of school because of lack of resources to go school.
We implement programmes and mobilize resources for these children. At Centre for Children and Development Initiative (CCADI), We believe that what can be achieved together by unity of purpose is far greater than what we can achieve acting on our own.
*Give a Future project- our empowerment endowment initiative for children advocating for education and effective learning.The Give a Future “Computer Literacy†Training Programme- In order to prevent ill equipped uneducated Children, currently we have over 500 registered children awaiting training -for each session of the quarter.
We need your support for our give a future project.
Looking forward to your response.
Thank you
Yours Sincerely,
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This is bound to be an exemplary deployment. The enthusiastic buy-in of the teachers is so obvious. Someone has finally done things right!
I suspect you are right. We should take care to give them as much mentoring as they need once the initial enthusiasm wears off — there is sometimes another surge of effort needed as semesters come to a close.
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